Some statistics suggest most small businesses doing have a formal internet security policy for employees. Of those that do, most only have the basic of cyber security in place.
Most small businesses haven’t had a security test by an outside vendor nor do they have their data stored and protected adequately.
A cyber security insurance policy can help ensure that you have some protection against a data or security breach.
Here are some tips to prevent cyber attacks:
- Regularly change passwords.
- Backups of data & information. In two different locations is also ideal.
- Limit the access employees have to the sensitive data and the ability to install software on the network.
- Make sure to have the proper security on your networks and internet firewalls.
- Review cyber security principles with employees.
- Install, use regularly updated antivirus and antispyware software on every computer used in your business.
Contact the Insurance Center Agency, Inc. in Oklahoma City Oklahoma if you need a cyber insurance policy or have questions in your current one is adequate for your needs.